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Murray Beith Murray LLP is a leading Scottish private client law firm.

For 175 years we have specialised in meeting the legal, financial and administrative needs of individuals and families, family trusts, charities and private companies.

Call us today on 0131 225 1200
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Peter worked as a corporate lawyer and he now advises on succession/wealth planning in the context of trusts, companies, partnerships, and other corporate vehicles. Peter’s expertise also covers inheritance and capital gains tax advice.

Read more about Peter here.

The Scotsman: Plan ahead and avoid family business disputes ruining the brand


Peter Shand, Murray Beith Murray Partner and experienced family business lawyer, speaks in The Scotsman’s business magazine, Vision, this month (published 26 March 2020).

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  1987 Hits
1987 Hits

Foreign power of attorney – what are they and are they valid in Scotland?

peterRecent figures from the National Records of Scotland predict a 23.2 per cent rise in the number of pensioners by 2043. Chief executive of Age Scotland, Brian Sloan, said that while it’s welcome news that we’re living longer, ‘we need to do more to prepare’. A way in which we can do this is by becoming more conscious of safeguarding our affairs, particularly for when we are no longer capable of making decisions for ourselves. 

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  5163 Hits
5163 Hits

The Scotsman: How best to handover wealth to the next generation

peterPeter Shand, Murray Beith Murray Partner and experienced family business lawyer, speaks in The Scotsman’s Vision business magazine, this month (published 12 December 2019).

Read the full article below:

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  3778 Hits
3778 Hits

The Scotsman: A question of succession

Peter Shand peter, Murray Beith Murray Partner and experienced family business lawyer, speaks in Vision Scotland business magazine, enclosed with The Scotsman, today (19 September 2019). 

Read the full article below:

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  2048 Hits
2048 Hits

Business Owners at Risk of not having a Succession Plan


Planning for what will happen to your estate once you are no longer around is never an easy task. Careful considerations must be made as to who you would like to inherit your estate, when you would like them to inherit, and what tax implications inheritance might have. Where a business is owned, it is also important to consider these same points, as failing to plan for succession of a business can have seriously damaging effects on the business and to your family's inheritance. For private, owner-managed, or family-owned businesses, a solid succession plan can drive the growth of the business, reduce taxes, and set the stage for retirement and continued growth of the business for generations to come.

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  3271 Hits
3271 Hits

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