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Murray Beith Murray LLP is a leading Scottish private client law firm.

For 175 years we have specialised in meeting the legal, financial and administrative needs of individuals and families, family trusts, charities and private companies.

Call us today on 0131 225 1200
legal award

Potentially exempt transfers and gifts with reservation

Andrew Paterson

When you carry out succession planning, one of the key elements is to consider whether to gift part of your wealth now or wait until your death. If you decide to gift assets whilst you are alive, certain rules apply for Inheritance Tax (IHT) purposes. Key to understanding whether the gift you make will be exempt from IHT is to understand the rules surrounding “potentially exempt transfers” and “gifts with reservation”.

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Survivorship destinations - testamentary intent in the title to your house

Peter Shand

It is always surprising when a few words in the title to a property can create unintended consequences. Throughout the 1980s and 90s, it was not uncommon for a joint title to property to contain a survivorship destination. Most couples felt it was right to agree that the whole title to the property should transfer to the survivor when one of them died. By including these few words, they had inadvertently included testamentary intent in the title to their house.

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Legal Rights – what happens when you don’t make a Will?

Carol McGovern

When you fail to make a Will, you depend on the law of succession for the distribution of your estate. That means the state will dictate who and to what extent your family will share in your estate. This article deals with the law of succession in Scotland.

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How a Power of Attorney helps manage the impact of dementia

Andrew Paterson

People suffering from dementia eventually lose the ability to look after their own affairs. This is often tragic with parents not recognising children and, frequently, recounting memories long past but unable to tell you what happened yesterday. To increase awareness, the Alzheimer’s Society runs a campaign each year to raise awareness of this most invasive condition.

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Is there a right time to review your Will?

Adam Swayne

You should not wait until tragedy strikes before reviewing your Will. By keeping your Will under regular review, you can take the time to ensure that you give your Will the care and attention required to ensure that your intentions are realised, saving you from unnecessary stress and complications.

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