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Murray Beith Murray LLP is a leading Scottish private client law firm.

For 175 years we have specialised in meeting the legal, financial and administrative needs of individuals and families, family trusts, charities and private companies.

Call us today on 0131 225 1200
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Proposed Inheritance Levy Could Affect Over 90% of Scottish Estates

adam swayne

A recent report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Scotland has proposed changes to local taxation which could hit 92 per cent of all Scottish estates. Among its proposals, the IPPR suggests a 10% local Inheritance Tax (IHT) rate which could apply to all Scottish estates valued at over £36,000. 

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Five top tips for saving on Inheritance Tax


With the Inheritance Tax (IHT) nil rate band having remained at £325,000 since 2009, more people than ever are having IHT charged on their estates on their death. Over £5.37 billion of IHT was paid to HMRC in the last tax year. This is almost double the amount that was collected ten years ago. With careful planning, it may be possible to reduce your future potential IHT liability significantly. Here are our five top tips for reducing your liability:

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Acceptance in Lieu, another way to pay Inheritance Tax


Arts Council England recently announced that three artworks by Peter Lanyon, a figurehead of post-war British painting, were acquired for the nation as part of the acceptance in lieu scheme, nearly settling the £900,000 Inheritance Tax due on Lanyon’s widow’s estate. Acceptance in lieu is rarely used and may not necessarily spring to mind when planning to pay Inheritance Tax, however, as this case shows it may be worth considering.

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What should Executors do when HMRC investigates?


A Freedom of Information request by Quilter has shown that HMRC investigates a quarter of the estates liable to pay Inheritance Tax each year. What do Executors need to do during an HMRC investigation and what steps can be taken to prevent an investigation in the first place?

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Succession planning where property is owned abroad

Murray Beith Murray

If you are lucky enough to be spending your summer in your own property in the sun, your thoughts might turn to who you want to enjoy your property when you are no longer here and how you can plan for this.

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