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Murray Beith Murray LLP is a leading Scottish private client law firm.

For 175 years we have specialised in meeting the legal, financial and administrative needs of individuals and families, family trusts, charities and private companies.

Call us today on 0131 225 1200
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Andrew has specialised exclusively in advising individual clients and charities for over 15 years. Andrew enjoys developing long-term relationships with clients and advising them at all stages of their lives. 

Read more about Andrew here.

Can you inherit a valuable social media account?


In the digital age, social media is big business. Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world earn a living from social media accounts as ‘influencers’ or brand owners, and the accounts themselves accrue commercial value. However, the issue of whether a social media account can be passed on or inherited presents an entirely different set of circumstances than passing on other valuable assets. In this article, we look at how social media accounts may be passed on, and the steps you can take to protect these valuable assets. 

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  943 Hits
943 Hits

The Scotsman: Removing guesswork when dealing with digital legacy of social media is essential


Murray Beith Murray Partner, Andrew Paterson, writes in The Scotsman today. Read the full article below, republished by kind permission of The Scotsman.

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  1352 Hits
1352 Hits

Inheritance tax: Explained


An important part of estate planning is to consider and understand inheritance tax. In this article we look at why it is important to understand inheritance tax, as well as the rates, rules and potential exemptions. 

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  2081 Hits
2081 Hits

Estate planning for ‘Cultural Assets’


If you have an art collection, you will no doubt be aware that it is a valuable asset. However, you may be unsure of the best way to leave this behind after you pass away. Collecting art is, for many people, a lifetime passion, and so it is important that it is left in the right hands. Unfortunately, many people fail to consider their art collection when making a Will, or are unaware that there are several ways to leave cultural assets behind. In this article, we look at leaving gifts of art in your Will, the Cultural Gifts Scheme, and how cultural assets might be valued after you pass away. 

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  1769 Hits
1769 Hits

Setting up a trust for a vulnerable person


People choose to set up trusts for a wide variety of reasons, but if you have a vulnerable person in your life, we understand that you may wish to protect them and provide for them in some specific way. One such way is to set up a vulnerable person’s trust, which can provide both financial and administrative support. This area of the law can be complicated, but in this article, we aim to provide an overview of why you might want to set up a vulnerable person’s trust, what a vulnerable person’s trust is and the process for setting up such a trust

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  3047 Hits
3047 Hits

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