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Murray Beith Murray LLP is a leading Scottish private client law firm.

For 175 years we have specialised in meeting the legal, financial and administrative needs of individuals and families, family trusts, charities and private companies.

Call us today on 0131 225 1200
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Rural Partner Andrew Linehan is appointed vice-president of SAAVA

Andrew Linehan

As reported in Scottish Legal News today, Murray Beith Murray Rural Partner and Head of the Rural Property group, Andrew Linehan, has been appointed as vice-president of SAAVA (Scottish Agricultural Arbiters and Valuers Association). SAAVA provides advice to valuers, arbiters, auctioneers, surveyors, solicitors, accountants and others having professional or personal interests in rural valuation work, and promotes uniformity of practice in arbitration procedure and associated valuation work.

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Spring Budget Statement 2024

Judith Smith

With a General Election happening in the near future this year’s Spring Statement was expected to be a vote winning exercise rather than a fiscal one.

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The Scotsman: Watch out for different rules governing Wills in Scotland and England

Alec Stewart

Deciding on whether to put in place a Scottish or an English Will can be a complex decision which should be carefully considered explains Murray Beith Murray Private Client Partner, Alec Stewart in The Scotsman today. Read the full article below, republished by kind permission of The Scotsman:

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The Scotsman: Use it before you lose it to beat inheritance tax

Alec Stewart

Murray Beith Murray Private Client Partner, Alec Stewart appeared in The Scotsman last week, explaining why it is an ideal time to consider lifetime gifting to reduce the value of your estate. Read the full article below, republished by kind permission of The Scotsman:

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Autumn Statement 2023

David Windram

Autumn is the season of traditions. The clocks go back, spooky season comes and goes, the Christmas lights go up, and, perhaps the most eagerly anticipated tradition, the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement is delivered.

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